


The information available on this website is related to product specifications provided to make users aware about the products and can be changed without prior notice.

There is no warranty with regard to this manual or other information available herein and expressly disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. GainTools is not liable for you or other person with respect to any damage occurred directly or indirectly by the software.

GainTools change the information periodically available on this website. We, GainTools make any changes or improvements to any of the products at any time. Without prior notification, we can make these changes. Users are requested to verify accuracy, completeness & exactness of the material for their purposes. GainTools will not be liable for any incidental, consequential or exemplary damage based on contract or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with the information contained herein.

Only users are responsible for checking whether the product is compatible with their system environment or other software installed on the system. This website is developed & controlled by GainTools Software.

If you find any information available in this website i.e. is inaccurate or inappropriate, freely contact our support staff.